Over the last few years, advocates and researchers have published important resources to help the community understand and take action in response to federal policies that harm or help immigrant families.
Below is a list of some resources you can use to learn or take action.
If you know of other resources we can add to this list, please email kblackwell@nlihc.org.
Select a Resource Category
Resource for ANPRM on Public Charge
Previous Comment Opportunities on the Public Charge Proposal
KFT's Housing and Homelessness focused template for Public Charge ANRPM
Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Sign-on Letter
DHS's Public Charge Proposal
DHS's ANPRM on Public Charge
Fact Sheets and Research
Public Charge FAQ (PIF)
What Advocates Need to Know (PIF)
"Chilling Effects on Public Benefits" (Urban Institute)
"Immigrant Families Avoiding Safety Net Benefits During the Pandemic" (Urban Institute)
Resources for Proposed HUD Mixed-Status Families Rule
Official HUD Documents
HUD's Withdrawal of the Proposed Mixed Status Rule
HUD's Regulatory Impact Analysis
HUD's Proposed Mixed Status Rule
Fact Sheets and Talking Points
Talking Points: Effective Messaging to Oppose HUD's Mixed Status Rule (KFT)
High Level One Pager on Mixed Status Rule and Impact (KFT)
Myth v. Fact: Misconceptions about the Proposed Rule (KFT)
Mixed Status Rule Q&A (KFT)
Domestic Violence Fact Sheet (Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence)
Research and Data
State Data Table on Households Receiving HUD Assistance (KFT)
Demographics of Potentially Impacted Families (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, CBPP)
Impact Analysis of HUD Proposed Rule (CBPP)
Other Documents
Regulatory Comparison Document (KFT)
Comment Template (KFT)